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Custom Lifecycles Edit on GitHub

Lifecycles in StructureMap are pluggable. To create your own custom lifecycle, make an implementation of the ILifecycle interface like this one:

public class CustomLifecycle : ILifecycle
    public static LifecycleObjectCache Cache = new LifecycleObjectCache();

    public string Description
        get { return "Custom"; }

    public void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context)
        // Here you'd remove all the existing objects
        // from the cache and call IDisposable.Dispose()
        // as appropriate

    public IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context)
        // using the context, "find" the appropriate
        // IObjectCache object
        return Cache;

Registering your custom lifecycle can be done like this:

public class UsingCustomLifecycle : Registry
    public UsingCustomLifecycle()
        // at the Plugin Type level

        // at the Instance level

Most of the built in ILifecycle implementations use LifecycleObjectCache internally, but you may also need to create your own IObjectCache implementation.